Miriam’s Dive


A fascinating tale that seamlessly twines the themes of love, friendship and the divine.


“I felt like I was with Miriam every step of the way.”

— G. Braun






“The female statue of a Black Madonna, no more than twenty inches high, held a stillness about her. This female was standing her ground. . . . I wondered what would happen if I stayed through the dark night with Her, if a veil would be lifted between the known world and the unknown. On this day that began with giddy lightness between me and my best friend Bernadette, the tides of mystery rushed in to fill me with questions.”

“I’d been so intent on practicing the names of the villages we were passing through that I hadn’t realized how close we were to the Abbey of Mont Saint Michel. I glanced up and my breath stopped. The massive structure loomed before us, the bulk of it balanced impossibly high on granite boulders that exploded vertically out of the ocean; it looked like God had reached down and pulled the structure up out of the water and held it there.”



“In silence we moved down the hall and over to the grand marble staircase, my favorite one in all the Louvre Museum. Just before we stepped onto the gleaming steps, I took her arm lightly. ‘Look!’ I said, pointing to the dragon sculptures that curved around the balustrades at the entry to the stairs. I was rewarded by the delighted look on her face. “It’s good to notice dragons, Mademoiselle, because they live for centuries, just waiting for the opportune time to roar.” I expected her to laugh, but she did not. A most interesting woman. . . .I was already contemplating how I could maneuver another rendezvous with her.”


“A captivating story!”

— Jean LaValley

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